Welcome to the CCI NGLibrary Platform
The NGLibrary Platform of CCI is the digital library specialized in Industrial Cybersecurity developed by CCI. It has been designed to provide you with easy and fast access to a wide variety of publications generated within the CCI ecosystem, from use cases to cybersecurity status studies in different regions or countries, as well as methodologies, pocket guides, and even author notebooks. The platform features a powerful search engine and an evolving intuitive interface that will allow you to find the documents you need to carry out your work more efficiently.
To use this Platform, you need to be at least a Basic Member of CCI, which will also enable you to make use of the benefits associated with this membership. If you are looking for further advancement in Industrial Cybersecurity, we encourage you to consider an upgraded membership that, in addition to granting you the ability to manage a greater number of publications, will allow you to take advantage of all the interesting activities offered by CCI to its ecosystem.
The Industrial Cybersecurity Center (CCI) is a nonprofit organization with the main objective of advancing its members in the field of cybersecurity through three main activities: facilitating networking, sharing knowledge, and exchanging experiences.